The Museum of Education was founded at the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens in 1993 and belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology. The aims of the Museum are the research, studying and preservation of the cultural heritage in the Sector of Education, and the qualifying of graduates in the Faculties of History of Education, Pedagogy, Education, and Museology. Its first exhibition was held in 2000. Since 2013 the Museum runs a permanent exhibition and concurrent educational programmes and activities specially designed for the pupils-visitors of the Primary and Secondary Education.
Director: Mrs. M-Z Fountopoulou (Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology), tel.: 210 7277781, e-mail: mafoun[at]ppp.uoa[dot]gr
Address: School of Philosophy, University Campus, Athens, Ilisia, 157 84
Tel.: 210 7277564
E-mail: mouseiopaideias[at]ppp.uoa[dot]gr